Tuesday, June 19, 2007

14 Minutes

I have 14 minutes before I have to walk out the door. Today is Chelsea's 15th birthday and we've invited family and friends to join us at our favorite restaurant El Camino. But before we go there we have to run by Leslie's Pool in Antioch to see if our pool sweep (named Louie) can be repaired. He has a hole on the shaft so the pressure at the bottom that actually sucks up the debris isn't very strong. Instead of a speedy "click click click click" he sounds like "cliiiiiiiiiiick......... cliiiiiiiiick........... cliiiiiiiiiick". Down to 12 minutes now. The fact that I have any time is pretty amazing. I switched the loads of laundry and folded the dry one... I gathered up dry pool towels out back and folded them... I wrapped [one of her] her gifts (the 5th season of CSI on DVD)... answered a couple phone calls... delegated the cake pick-up to my Mom (thank goodness for Mom)... washed up a couple dishes and yelled for Scott to get his bike ramp out of the middle of the street (which was run over yesterday by a neighbor so it really isn't even a ramp any more). Time management is an on-going problem for me. Having a business run from home is great but I'm not always the most disciplined of "owners". I get side tracked. (Like this BLOGGING STUFF!!!). One task leads to another. I go from processing orders, to dropping off a kid somewhere to running by the bank to pulling a couple weeds on my way in the front door to filling the dogs water to feeding the fish to answering the phone to eating a Smart Ones while catching a moment of my soaps (usually All My Children around lunch time). Am I organized? No. Do things get done? Yes. Maybe it's my system... the "Fly By The Seat of Your Pants" school of time management. What do they say... if it aint broken, don't fix it. Cool... 3 minutes left... CRAP... the dryer just buzzed (I HATE that sound).

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