My mom with the 4 of us kids!
My Mom goes back for more surgery this coming week. It’s been 6 years since she was originally diagnosed with tongue cancer but a recent biopsy showed new cancer cells. She's been through BRUTAL radiation once before so even if she wanted it again, it's not an option. They're going to remove the cells (more tongue and part of the bottom of her mouth way in the back)... and a big margin (the margin last time was not enough they said), then they'll also take out her lymph nodes on that side (they call it a neck dissection). She had a PET scan a week ago to see if cells showed up anywhere else but her doc in was out of town this past week so we don't know the results. Removing the lymph nodes, even if no cells are there, is a preventative. It's a gateway to the body, especially from her mouth.
She's scared... hell, we all are. Surgery will be 6 hrs, maybe longer. They will be biopsying areas around it as they go, to check for other possible cells. My sis Barb from Oregon comes in on Wed. I pick her up from the Sacramento airport after Mom's pre-op appt. Surgery is Thursday.
This situation is compounded by the fact that she JUST lost her sister to cancer. My mom spent a month with her (in IL) helping her through some radiation but my aunt’s cancer was more advanced and had spread quickly. Hers started as ovarian cancer 2 yrs ago. It had gone to her brain, spinal cord, stomach, colon, and lungs within the last month of her life. My mom was glad to have had that time with her but it was supposed to have been just to help her get to/from appts. She didn't realize it was to say good bye. All along I was so worried about what toll it was taking on my mom. She had to be there for her sis, that wasn't up for discussion, but we were all worried.
We'd sure appreciate prayers for my Mom, Susan!